54, rue Aristide Briand - 77300 - Fontainebleau
+33 (0)6 42 34 28 99
The type of Yoga we practice is based on classical Hatha Yoga introduced and disseminated in the Western world.
It involves taking postures (āsanas) to strengthen the body while promoting flexibility and balance.
These postures enhance spine flexibility, relax the joints, massage hormonal glands and internal organs, and help rebalance the nervous system, improve circulation and relieve tension.
To teach students how to properly perform these postures, we use two main instruments:
working with tools and working in pairs.
Through teacher-led practice and the above two instruments, students begin to understand how their bodies work,
and learn to observe and respect their limits.
In order to go beyond these limits the body must be given time to accept change.
The teacher’s task here is mainly to guide the student towards the necessary body adjustments
so as to remain in the posture without risk.
Much attention is paid to the "technical" execution of the āsanas, in order to achieve two main objectives: on one hand proper execution makes the postures more effective and minimizes risks, on the other, the pupil begins to become aware of the fact that he must fully concentrate in what he does, even if at the beginning some details seem insignificant.
Here lies the beginning of self-awareness, which is the main difference between gymnastics and Yoga.
Tools are essential because they oblige the body to take a physiologically correct position, so that even beginners can engage in the poses without risk.
At the same time, they allow to adapt the intensity of the proposed posture according to the possibilities of each one.
Working in pairs, the pupil has the opportunity to study the position both from the inside, by practicing it, and from the outside, by observing how the comrade’s body reacts while acting as an accessory for him.